1. What's the name of the film Ari pitches to Vince in the pilot episode of Entourage?
2. In season 1 Vince appears on a late night talk show to promote an upcoming film, what talk show is it?
3. What is the name of the series Drama starred in?
4. Drama was banned from the Playboy mansion. Who does he say should have really been banned instead of himself?
5. Who is Vince's special guest at the Aquaman premiere?
6. Who's tickets do the guys use to get extra guests into the Aquaman premiere?
7. Who was Vince's co-star in the film "Head-On?"
8. Who is Josh Weinstein?
9. What movie fantasy does Vince live out when the guys to the Valley?
10. What body part is Drama obsessed with?
11. Where did director James Cameron get to screen "Queens Boulevard?"
12. Why does Drama land in jail in season 2 of Entourage?
13. Drama gets a movie of the week with a famous actress but is then fired. Who is the well-known actress?
14. Who offers E a job as an agent?
15. Billy Walsh, a director refers to who as a "suit?"